Thursday, June 23, 2005

The Great Re-Decking Project: Day 1

Chris on the deck: Day 1
Originally uploaded by The Faderjockey.
Well, the process of replacing the floor in the McAlpin has begun. Today we, along with a prison work-gang and a rep from maintenance, pulled up all the masonite on the deck. Click the link above for photos.

We found that the masonite has been secured by (literally) thousands of staples into the wood sub-floor. What that means for us is that the next step consists of crawling along the floor with a screwdriver and hammer; cleaning the masonite debris from underneath each staple, then hammering them into the wood, so that we get a nice, smooth, sub-floor on which to lay the new maso. It is going to be a long project, and I will be providing photos and commentary on each step of the process.

An interesting note for today: The 20 years of paint that had been laid down on top of the old masonite came up separate from the maso itself. We ended up with large 1/4" thick chunks of paint. You can cut it with a matte knife and see the hundreds of layers of paint, in different colors. Pics are in the day's photoset.


At 1:07 PM, Blogger B2 said...

Visited the William S. Hart park with my family this past weekend, and heard a great story about how he had the fllor put in back in the 1920s -- wood blocks, about 3x5 in size, placed on the floor and aligned nicely. Then they flooded the floor, and the wood expanded, making a nice tight seam without glue, nails, etc. And it still looks gorgeous, 80 years later.


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