Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Catholic Church Says "Limbo No Mo'!"

In an interesting recent decision, the Roman Catholic Church has effectively buried the concept of limbo.

A 41-page document was released by the Church last Friday, rescinding the concept of limbo, and stating that it was a theory, and never official Church doctrine.

Limbo was the supposed alternate final destination to which unbaptized children were sent. The concept was popularized in Dante's Inferno, and was the final resting place for virtuous pre-Christians as well as infants.

This decision seems to be in a progressive direction, with the Church expressing hope that there may exist a path to heaven for the unbaptized infants. It also, however, raises some additional questions:

The document specifically states that this decision should not call in to question the necessity of baptism or the nature of original sin, yet it seems to do just that. The question is raised: if humans are tainted from birth by original sin, and the sinful may not attain heaven, and baptism is part of the necessary path to heaven, then doesn't this decision fly in the face of all that?

What does this matter to non-Catholic people? Why am I writing about this? I just found it interesting. I don't pretend to have answers, I'm just asking the question.

Respectfully submitted for thoughts and comment.

consider. contemplate. conclude.

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At 9:21 AM, Blogger Photoimage2001 said...

All religion is crap, and is invented by man to explain the unexplainable to the ignorant. It is used by the clergy to maintain their powerbase in society, this shows but one method used by the church to keep the flock under their thumb for centuries.

At 1:42 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

well said photo/ AGREED!!

At 11:43 AM, Blogger Jaapz said...

Yeah, photo, of course if one Church (the catholic here) does something really weird, then of course all religion is crap. Really logically.

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