Thursday, June 30, 2005

The Great Re-Decking Project: Day 5

The Near-complete deck
Originally uploaded by The Faderjockey.
So, I have been a little lax in updating the project chronicle, but I have had other things on my mind of late. Anyway, there wasn't much to report; just work continuing as normal. However, as we near the end of the re-surfacing portion of the project, it seemed time to start keeping the log again.

So here we are! The surface is nearly all laid down. Some tacking-in remains, and there are a few things that may need to be altered. In the photoset, you will see that our maintenance guys have decided to use nails as the primary method of fastening the masonite to the subfloor. They use screws in the four corners, then tack down the maso with lines of nails. In today's photoset, you will see a closeup showing the nails and another one that shows a Grand Canyon-sized gap between two of the panels. Hopefully these will be rectified by the time that particular panel gets tacked down . . . but it makes me a tad nervous.

We shall see how that works out.


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