Thursday, September 14, 2006

The stack v2.0

Another great jelly stack. This one was done by Adri and features Genuine Architectural Features ®. The GAF ® featured in this particular construcion is the arc-boutant , or flying buttress. Special licensing of this jelly stack's design is available for a nominal fee.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The Great Jelly Stack

Okay, I am a little behind on the posting, but I have a few photos here for the pure fun of it.

There is a small cafe in town that is a frequent hangout for college staffers and other local business types. The tech department and box office have a long standing tradition of taking the occasional lunch at this establishment. Upon arrival at the cafe, we immediately pour out the container of jelly packets, sort them by flavor, and try to build creative things with them.

Kinda nonsensical, but always fun!

Monday, September 04, 2006

So where's the real one?

I saw this sign on a country road in northern FL. The above was my first immediate thought. Nothing major of interest, just an interesting photo.