Monday, September 08, 2008

Regaining the Horse

Or, the top 6 reasons why I'll get it right this time.

So here's the deal:

I'm gonna give this thing one more shot. I'm feeling that it is time, and I feel good about this one. Now, I know I've tried to reboot my blogging experience a time or two before, but I feel good about this.

Here's why:

  1. I'm not going to push too hard. If I make writing this thing feel too much like work, then I will naturally want to avoid doing it. It's that whole Gen-X slacker thing, it's in the blood.

  2. I need to write occasionally. I need a different creative outlet besides work. Hopefully I can fill a bit of that need here.

  3. I'm not going to try to recapture my youth. I simply don't have the time to research and publish page-long rants and treatises on the foibles of our political system, or question the deeper meanings of the universe, or similar fare. Now, that doesn't mean you aren't going to get any of that here, but I'm not going to try to stretch every post into a page-and-a-half, socially significant work intended for international readership. Those days are gone.

  4. I've given up cable. Seriously. Now I turn to the internet to distract me from the pressures of daily life (ha!)

  5. I need to prove to myself that I can (against my apparent nature) begin a project and actually keep it up.

  6. I'll depend heavily on Facebook's link post feature, and maybe attract the occasional reader from my friends and acquaintances there, but I'm not shooting for much in the way of public recognition. If I can develop this into something cool, then maybe I will, but for now I'm not going to labor under any specific delusion of internet notoriety. I fully accept that this is JAFB.

So: Here goes! Wish me luck and hopefully you'll come along for the ride!

Here. We. Go!


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