Heretical Thought for the Day #1

September 11, 2001 should not be memorialized.
Okay, now before I get flamed to death, please allow me to explain what I mean:
- The attacks on 9-11 were perpetrated by terrorists
- The primary goal of terrorism is to inspire fear
- It worked.
- When we continually re-live the events of that day, we perpetuate the fear
- By perpetuating the fear, we allow the terrorizing to continue.
- In order to find relief from fear, we must recognize our fear, and deny it power over our daily lives and actions
And thus I ask: In the orgy of patriotism that we experience at this time each year; In the continuous soft-and-quiet toned media coverage; in the endless senatorial speechifying, are we re-opening old wounds?
And are we hurting ourselves by doing so?
Should we not honor those who died on that day? Of course we should. But what honor do we give their deaths if we allow the memory of that day to continue to drive the course of the nation? Yes, there will be a year when that day has been forgotten. Faded into obscurity like so many before it. My fervent hope this 11th of September is that we can put that day to rest, in our collective hearts and heads, and prove to ourselves and the world that we can rise above!
And kick some sand into the face of those who would profit from our fear.
Agree? Disagree? Thoughts?
Labels: heretical thought for the day, politics
I think this has been diminishing some and will continue to.
When there's a new president, possibly a new party, when we finally do get out of Iraq, you'll see 9/11 get less and less.
Eventually it'll be just a new york event like Pearl Harbor Day is just a Hawaii event.
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