Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Rebranding and Election Night

I feel I would be remiss if I did not make an election night post. However, I am a bit tired and not quite ready for a full-blown election article. So, I will be brief. One comment and one announcement only for tonight, folkses. thing that I noticed, as my girlfriend and I watched the returns on TV: several of our local and national candidates were opting to stay "at home with the family" to watch the returns, and did not deign to visit their campaign headquarters until their place in the race was assured. They opted not to face their staff, their most loyal assistants and supporters. They decided not to celebrate election night with the people who spent so much time, effort, and energy on them. They snubbed the people who put them where they are. All of this because they were afraid that they might not win in the end.
To me, that raises a question. Where are their cajones? That sort of action seems to say to everyone, " I expect to lose," and serves to further underline the lack of spine in today's professional politicians.

In other news, the blog is going through a rebranding process. The old title of the blog, Thoughts and Trivialities seemed to convey an idea at odds with where this blog is developing. We have covered some heavy topics here on the blog: politics, media, culture, net neutrality, and many more. I do not want to imply, however indirectly, that any of these ideas are in the least trivial.
So, after much deliberation, the blog is officially renamed Cognitive Dissonance . I think this better reflects the direction in which the blog is taking. That is, one of discussion and analysis of opposing thoughts, concepts, ideas, etc. I will try to maintain the humourous, occasionally tongue-in-cheek tone that has come to be the standard mode, as well as a somewhat-regular posting schedule. You can look forward to a blend of humorous short pieces, brief thoughts and questions designed to spark the thought processes, and longer, more in-depth discources on a variety of topics.
As for now; as the polls continue to close; smile, hold on tight, and enjoy the ride; 'cause it is going to be an interesting couple of years!

change. is. constant.

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