Saturday, March 25, 2006

Still Writing

IRCC's production of The Diary of Anne Frank
Hey folks!
I've picked up Mass Media, Part II again, and it will be ready for posting in a few days. Unlike Duke Nukem Forever, I have promised myself and, vicariously, you as well; that this topic will. not. become. vapor. It will, however, be a long post, so consider yourself warned.

Working on Part II has also moved me to write a Part III as well, but I won't make any promises on that one. I also won't reveal the topic of Part III here, but I'll add it to the end of Part II. (Yet another reason to finish the damn thing!

In other news, I bought a new phone the other day. My first camera-phone and my first bluetooth-enabled phone. I like my bluetooth headset, but I haven't quite got it all figured out yet. Primarly, what I want to do is redirect to the headset the record feature of the phone, so that I can record my voice commands via the headset. So far... no dice. But, the work continues.
I'm not sure how I feel about the camera function. I have always felt that a camera should be a camera, and a phone should be a phone, and never the two should meet. However, I don't always carry a camera, and I always carry my phone, so....... we shall see.

Until next time, namaste.


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