Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Back to Work, You Dogs!

Back from spring break and things are better than ever. I spent a few days catching up on work, and the rest of it just relaxing and recharging. I was ready onto come back to work on Monday, though.

I am currently working on The Miracle Worker, which will open on Wed.

Film at eleven.

Monday, March 28, 2005

this is an audio post - click to play

this is an audio post - click to play

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Just in case the last one was too dark for ya, here's another one! Pictured here are (from left to right) Pentheus, the Chorus, and Dionysis.  Posted by Hello

Kinda like an "Oz, the Great and Terrible" moment, here is a really cool shot from IRCC's Fall 2004 production of The Bacchae  Posted by Hello

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Tomorrow Maybe?

Dance Leap
Originally uploaded by The Faderjockey.
Long day at work.... tired.
I know I promised Mass Media part 2 tonight, but it is going to have to wait. I sincerely apologize if this ruins your plans for the weeken.... look. This is my blog, dangit, I'll do what I want ;-)

Anyway, here is a pretty picture to mollify you until the next time.
(Who am I kidding, nobody reads this tripe anyway?)

This shot comes from the dance show that I worked at IRCC this past year.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Mass Media - A problem?

So here we are, with the first real post of the blog.

I worked a panel discussion at IRCC today, in honor of our "international week." The topic of discussion was, supposedly, "Perceptions of the United States at Home and Abroad," or something to that effect. However, a majority of the 2 hour discussion centered around the employment and influence of in this country, the positive and negative effects it has on our culture, and how it defines the perception of the US in other nations. It is from that talk that I will form the basis for my post here tonight.

Too many, too few?

One of the statements made during the panel was that the vast majority of American media is controlled by five companies. In my research, I was unable to corroborate that specific figure, but I did find an article from back in 2000 that gave an interesting picture on the media market on a global scale. I am certain that I remember at least one of those companies (Viacom) merging with another. Anyway, here is the point that we were discussing:

How can you really expect a news organization to be fair and balanced, when their existence depends on the satisfaction of their extremely large parent corporation?

You really can't. Corporations are motivated by profit. That is their function. Can you expect a newspaper that is owned by General Motors to publish a negative review of a GM car in their weekly "auto" feature? Even if the newspaper is not directly owned by GM, if a significant portion of advertising revenue comes from this source, can you expect them to publish a negative report on one of GM's new cars, even if it is justified. It just isn't feasable. "You don't bite the hand that feed's you."

The essential paradox
So, here we are at the root of the matter. We want independent reporting, but on the scale of CNN. To have such a market share as CNN does, one needs money. One obtains money from corporate advertising or ownership. However, as soon as one obtains such ownership, one's credibility is shot, assuming that the theory of an inherent predisposition to one's sponsors/owners is accurate. So, in order to avoid this "corporate taint," one refuses to accept advertising or ownership. One is then able to maintain an independent stance, however at the cost of market share. Indymedia (see link above) is (in my opinion) an excellent news source, but how many people honestly look to them for news? An incredibly miniscule amount, when compared to the number of people looking to CNN.

To end tonights waxing philosophic, I ask: How can this situation be resolved?

Next time: Media part II, are sitcoms and "reality shows" the soma of our times?

These are the questions that keep me up at night.

Monday, March 14, 2005

this is an audio post - click to play

A Quick Introduction

Hello World!

I'm Joe Wilson, and this is my blog (obviously). Basically, it is my place to write whatever it is that I feel like writing.

But Joe, what can I expect to find on this so-called blog?

Glad you asked!
Here you will find news and events from my world, rants and ravings about social, political, and philisophical issues, fun and interesting websites to visit, and just general randomness that I feel like publishing for the world to see.

Okay, so who are you anyway?

For the uninitated, I proudly present:

The Joe Wilson Quick Reference Guide
I am . . .
  • The resident sound guy and (soon to be) associate technical director at Indian River Community College Fine Arts Department.
  • 24 years old.
  • tired.
  • completely in love with my job.
  • The technical director of No Shame Theatre: Treasure Coast.
  • random.
  • really into computers and the internet.
  • REALLY tired.
  • politically independent (although leaning slightly to the left). Oh No!
  • very interested in philosophy, religion, politics, sociology and culture, and people in general.
  • a terror on the raquetball court.
  • (soon to be) faculty sponsor of the IRCC chapter of Delta Psi Omega.


There you have it. I hope you come to enjoy this page as much as I expect to enjoy writing it. Feel free to leave comments!